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Member Since Dec 2019
Location: Lander, Wy
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Default Dec 02, 2019 at 04:32 PM
Hi, all! I'm new here and needing advice fast. 😭 I'm a frantic person with worst-case scenario anxiety disorder that's been pretty mild since I became a stay at home mom. But my 3 year old has inherited my panic-ky nature and now that I have to go back to work, we are absolute basket-cases due to our attachment issues. We have sort of become each other's "safe" person, but I have to go back to work and we are both building panic as the countdown to first time separation is ending. Examples of her attachment: if I'm in a different room, she panics until she finds me. If I'm in the bathroom, she is screaming at the door. If I open the door to the house, she freaks and screams. I can leave her with people she otherwise "trusts" to the best extent that she can, but she will scream and tremble until I come back. She has had a very kind upbringing, no abuse, father and I are happily married and have no anger issues. But when I'm not around, she trusts no one!! And now, even times when I come back after being gone for just a few minutes or even open the bathroom door after a bit, she screams and says she doesn't love me, or to go back in or out. As if she can't comprehend how to "come down" from her panic and it ends up being a real hard time getting her calm. Does anyone have ANY advice , tips for helping her self-soothe, coping mechanisms, or experience with this? I'm so sorry to pour out my issue in the introduction, but starting work soon and scared of possibly traumatizing her! All help is appreciated!
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Thanks for this!