I have seen people on the forums mention relapse in regards to their mental illness and symptoms/treatment and I was looking to understand better.
With substance abuse a relapse is resuming the substance and behavior that goes with it. Generally after a period of sobriety it is more of a choice to go back to the substance. (not saying it isnt fueled by feelings or instability, just that after being sober awhile you become more cognizant of your past behaviors and what led you to have an addiction).
When it comes to the resumption of mental illness
symptoms I struggle with using relapse as the terminology. To me, even if you are medicated the biological factor that plays into an mental illness episode is nothing you can choose. Our brains are different and even successful medication is no guarantee that another episode will occur due to brain changes, chemical imbalances, and the nature of the disorder.
If I go manic or depressive after success or even not good success it is not anything I am aware of until it hits me. I dont look as successful treatment as recovery even though you can recover its really that your symptoms are well managed.
With substance abuse- abstinence keeps the substance out of your body. Being self aware and in some cases a support group or supportive people helps to keep you from using the substance. When you begin trying to talk yourself into an addictive substance you are aware of being sober and clean and that you are thinking of not staying clean.
But with mental illness that is well managed I feel like slipping down the slope can slam you at the very worst or creep up at the least but does not involve an active choice.
Can someone shed light on how relapse is used with regard to describing mental illness and wellness?
I am not trying to say its a wrong word or thought process by any means- just that it confuses me.