I have been trying to find a way out since my sister ruined my credit so I cannot leave a horrible situation. If you haven't read my previous posts, the short version is that my older sister controlled all our money since we were orphaned. She has wracked up debt in my name so I don't have option to leave until I repair my credit.
This week, I found a way to earn extra cash outside my normal job. It's very little, but I earned this money specifically to pay down my credit card with the highest interest. I even contacted the bank and asked if it would reduce interest in my account if I paid small amounts earlier than the due date and they said it would definitely lower my accrued interest.
But I can only pay this through bank accounts controlled by my sister and once my money goes into the bank, she won't let me pay it to my credit card.
My sister has money anxiety disorder so she insists on controlling all household income and gets abusive and insulting when I have an opinion or want to control accounts in my own name. She keeps all our credit cards nearly maxed out so that we pay thousands of dollars in interest while she hangs onto all the cash I earn.
I believe, and the bank confirmed it, that If I use my earnings to pay down my credit card balance and then spent that same money out of my credit card later, it would still reduce the amount of interest for that month. Plus, our credit cards offer cash back so spending my income through the credit card would save a lot more money than hanging onto it to spend in cash.
I'm just frustrated that I found a way to reduce my debt and my sister's bad judgement and mental illnesses is driving us further towards bankruptcy. After this, I feel discouraged and less motivated to keep earning as much money as possible because I have no control over how my earnings are used.
I've been asking around banks and PayPal to try to find a way to psy off my credit card balance without having to go through a regular bank account first.