I was unfortunately on the receiving end of being financially abused (for those of you unfamiliar, it’s where the abuser does anything and everything to control your finances/money/income/spending in order to control you)—in addition she was a prolific spender with terrible credit and monthly/weekly/daily calls from credit card and collection agencies. But I’ve been out for two years, have rebuilt my credit and I live within my means (although, yes, I won’t do it but I’d love a splurgy beach vacation right about now!).
A question for you MrsA: I’m familiar with a lot of your posts in this forum so I know how very tightly you are bound to your abuser, and I apologize if I missed something, but can you not go to the bank, get a cashier’s check, and mail that to the credit card company? It would mean you’d need to go to the bank and you’d need a stamp. How possible is that?