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Default Dec 22, 2019 at 05:49 AM
yesterday I watched the christmas bunny.

I get to watch this film once a year (just once), and yesterday was the day.

it is my favorite christmas movie, but I got quite emotional over it (I always do, it's an emotional movie) but I did enjoy it. it's still really good even after all these years.

it is now almost christmas. despite being really depressed and in a lot of pain (mainly my back), I am reallyooking forward to it- well that's a bit of a lie, I am looking forward to watching christmas carol on christmas day, more than the actual holiday itself, part of me just wants it to be over (the part of me that realises that the only person I'll be talking to on christmas day is myself)

hope you all have a good christmas
Hugs from:
bpforever1, Buffy01, Discombobulated, sadp8r, stahrgeyzer
Thanks for this!