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Default Dec 26, 2019 at 07:16 AM
She is about 4.5 months along. She goes back on the 8th to find out the gender. They signed their lease for an apartment last Friday and something terrible happened. The BF was hired seasonal for the Wayfair warehouse. He was told they would keep some of the seasonal people on after the holidays. He never missed a day or was late and took all the overtime- one point he worked 125 hours in pay period. The day they signed their lease last week, Becca they came back to the house and Becca got the utility bill set up in her name and she took him to work. She got a call an hour later and Wayfair had all the seasonal help come in, they assembled them in the training room and fired everyone immediately and sent them home. 30+ people had no idea they were losing their jobs a few days before christmas. They were told they would be there at least until the second day in Jan due to holiday returns. No one expected it.
To the boyfriends credit he had been talking to his managers all along and they were receptive to keeping him after the holidays. I guess upper management made the decision. It was a really sh**ty thing to do. Making all the people come in only to lay them off. He worked the day before and no one said a thing.
They just signed a lease and now he needs to scramble to find a job. She needs to find one too. They are moving into an apartment 5 minutes away from me.
He dropped out of HS (nineth or tenth grade) so his job prospects are limited. He says he wants to get his GED but honestly, he is not the brightest bulb so I do not see that as possible. She barely graduated HS so neither of them have any sort of skill training or advanced education so they will be at the mercy of minimum wage jobs.
I told her now that she lives in my county I can help her apply for social services but who knows how long that takes. The baby needs medicaid because our insurance only covers her, not my grand children.

Hubby and I are upset that she might not give the baby her last name. The BF can be on the birth certificate of course but I just dont see this as a forever thing and view having the baby with the same last name as her as protection for when things go south.
**sigh** merry christmas.
I will never shop at wayfair. I never have and now I never will.

"I carried a watermelon?"

President of the no F's given society.
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*Beth*, beauflow, Nammu, possum220, unaluna, zapatoes
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