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Universal System
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Default Dec 31, 2019 at 07:15 AM
Hello, my name is Elen. I'm the co-host of a system with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Don't worry about us revealing any names here as no one would ever be able to identify us in real life by that. Only two alters actually identify with the legal name of the body and they're both currently dormant anyway.

I only split off a few months ago due to stress from James' (James being the System host) ex-girlfriend which has been a consistent problem ever since they broke up about 5-6 years ago. (Please do not leave suggestions about what he should do without knowing the full story.)

I was going to share more but that might be triggering and it's really not my story to tell. I'm just letting you essentially what my job is... mostly just to handle interactions with the ex-girlfriend.

That said... I fronted for the time when she wasn't around about three days ago. James has been having stress dreams/nightmares and as co-host I just sort of took over I guess. We've been discussing going back to therapy for a while but there's a couple issues.

We have no job, no money, no insurance. Even when we had a job, James was working BELOW the minimum wage for a theater company. (Stage, not a Cinema) It also seems that local therapists are not even aware of what Dissociative Identity Disorder is. One of our neighbors even mentioned having recently finished all her therapy courses in college and they were still referring to it as Multiple Personality Disorder. From what we've learned online it hasn't been called that since the 90's but yet that's also what our therapist called it when we were first diagnosed in 2003.

Since I'm fronting and have some privacy to do so I've decided to take the intuitive and try to find some form of free therapy options online. I've run into some issues there as well. The best option I could find was this forum.

Even here there are some things that seem concerning to me.

1. The sign up process was very singular focuses. What's your gender for example. How am I suppose to answer that? We don't all share the same gender. I'm a woman in a man's body but not exactly trans either because I share a body with mostly male alters. Sexual orientation. Again kind of a confusing question when the options are straight, gay, or bi and you have 40 people in your head. We're all attracted to women but some of us are women so it really depends on who you ask.

Then there's the question are you here for yourself or someone else... How was I suppose to answer that? I'm here for someone else but that someone else happens to live in the same body as me.

2. You have Dissociative Identity Disorder abbreviated to MPD. Which I get it, it use to be known as Multiple Personality Disorder, that's still how most people know it by, but it's DID now and I'm not sure how welcoming you're going to be to a DID system when I'm already kinda put off just setting up an account that wants to treat us as a singular individual.

That might just be limitations in the system or something so I figure, it's at least worth a try. I'll introduce myself and if things go well maybe the others will follow and start posting on this account as well.

Anyway... if anyone is a therapist or can recommend a good therapist... Preferences in no specific order...

DID Specialist (Duh)

Non-religious (Most of us are Atheist though there are a few religious alters we'd really prefer someone who is Atheist or at the very least is not going to bring up their personal beliefs unprovoked.)

Female (There are certain subjects we'd feel more comfortable discussing with a woman.)

Free (Again, we have no way to pay for anything.)

Online (Since therapists in my general area seem uneducated or out of date on my specific issues and our personal situation makes it difficult to meet in person anyway this really seems to be the best option for us.)
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