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Default Jan 05, 2020 at 09:24 AM
I do think the LOA has to be more than a wish. It has to be a deep down conviction. Those who practice the LOA by suggesting you can accidentally activate it are full of it. The biggest issue I have with it is that deep down conviction.

Recently I tried to win the lottery. I tried hard, I purchased tickets with good odds. But I knew in my heart I didn't believe. I didn't win. I also didn't act like I really believed it. Being conservative with the ticket buying.

I think the LOA stands most for the idea that if you do believe something... strongly in your heart.. go for it because the universe has your back. The nuns used to give me this concept when I was in school... they said, if you have done the studying for your test and you know the material... don't worry, god will clear the way for you to get a good grade. But just thinking that it helped me do the deed.

I do think you can "accidentally" bring negative things with the LOA if you are not careful. For instance I believe that the Titanic was the world secretly thinking "unsinkable huh" I hope it sinks... and, guess what, it did. And when you find out the truth, the ship hit the iceberg in the ONLY way that could have sunk the boat. I think this is something you can see happening in the 20th century due to communication. When the eyes of the world have the opportunity to get on a tragedy (as it is happening) it almost always resolves better than expected.

One reason I stop pursuing LOA is there are too many stupid people holding themselves out there as experts. Too many bad books. I think this is a new concept and unfortunately a ton of junk is being produced.
Hugs from:
Thanks for this!