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Default Jan 13, 2020 at 12:12 AM
From my own personal experience in the past when I tried psych meds, the side effects were far worse than what the Pdoc who prescribed them, claimed their function in my healing would be like. I view all psych meds as a cruel joke on people who need mental health support. I don't trust psych meds, period. I know this opinion may put me in a negative light with many PC members who rely on their meds to help them. But Lithium destroyed my thyroid and I wasn't even diagnosed properly by the Pdoc who I trusted foolishly as a 21 year old, when I tried it for a few months. There are other pysch meds I was prescribed, for my anxiety disorder, by Pdocs who should not be licensed, b/c those drugs nearly killed me, nearly changed my personality, and nearly destroyed my health. Those drugs contributed to the loss of jobs, loss of friendships, loss of sleep, loss of clear thinking, loss of driving, loss of a lot of things.

I joined PC to get support for my anxiety. I knew that a lot of people here take psych meds. My cousin, a recovering AA/NA is a psych nurse. She is on multiple psych meds and even she has changed 100% b/c of those meds. It breaks my heart. I view psych meds as evil b/c what do they really do? They screw up the human brain, the physiology of a person, give them horrible, debilitating side effects, create mania or suicidal ideation, create behavioral problems like sex addiction, alcohol addiction, create sexuality changes (some people become sexually aggressive, or even change their sexual orientation while on psych meds).

There's a TON of research in medical journals, blogs written by former and current psychiatrists and other doctors about this dilemma. It's so taboo b/c the accepted social norm is that if you have a mental illness, a psych drug will fix your mental illness. No, it won't. Yet millions of people are brainwashed by the marketing, and by the lies told to them by Pdocs and pharmacists who buy into the lie about the role of psych drugs on a person's life.

There is a 2010 documentary film, NUMB about a suburban dad hooked on psych drugs and he narrates his journey on how he attempts to wean himself off of his meds. This documentary asks the question, "What happens when you stop taking your antidepressants?"

NUMB Produced and Directed by Phil Lawrence - Creative Edge Productions.

Phil Lawrence takes us through his childhood and High School years before moving onto college where he struggled with anxiety attacks and abnormal bouts of blushing. Shortly after college Phil married his girlfriend Pamela and in 1993 their first child was born.

Sometime later, and still struggling with anxiety issues, Phil saw his doctor, he had seen adverts on TV telling him about Paxil, a drug to cure anxiety and shyness. Within 10 minutes Phil's doctor was writing him out a script for GlaxoSmithKline's wonder drug.

10 years on and Phil decided to document the whole tapering process, a tapering regime that Glaxo officials would have you believe does not exist. It does, Numb is evidence of that.

Phil's doctor recommended that he cut his 20mg dose by half to 10mg, this is in line with what Glaxo recommend on their updated Seroxat patient information leaflet here in the UK. I'm unsure what it says on the US version.

Watching Phil go through the ordeal of withdrawal is like my own story, it's a constant reminder of what I endured and also a reminder of the countless stories I have been sent and those I have read over the years...stories that GlaxoSmithKline poo-poo with lines such as, "Paxil has benefited millions of people worldwide."

Phil's quest to seek help is shown by him telephoning those departments whom he felt could help him, namely the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), The American Psychological Association (APA), and The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). They all declined to help him.

By day 5 we see Phil experiencing the sensation of buzzing noises inside his head, these turn into severe headaches and electric zaps blitzing his brain, all of which are eloquently described by Phil.

In essence, Phil has installed a window for us all to look through, a window of transparency that makes for some disturbing viewing [courtesy of GlaxoSmithKline]. Phil is creating an awareness that Glaxo just don't want you to see.

Numb also shows us the conflict of interest that clearly exists between the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA, footage from 1991 sees parents, mothers, fathers confront the FDA with regard to SSRi type medications causing suicide to loved ones, the result of that particular confrontation saw the FDA give SSRi's a clean bill of health, they saw no link in the suicidal thoughts.

Numb shows how Phil's emotions go up and down, his anger, his bouts of sadness, all highlighted by his wife Pamela, a woman full of understanding and much love for her husband.

Every single doctor should sit down and watch this powerful documentary, every single Judge presiding in a case brought by claimants against GSK's Paxil should also be shown this. In fact any one who has ever considered Paxil as a pill to cure their ill should take heed.

Numb is a documentary for the people, it's a view of the psychopharmaceutical monopoly and how they do everything to prove their abuse of minds is right and that those abused are wrong.

Phil Lawrence's journey is one of the roughest you will see hit the small screens, he is one of the many hundreds of thousands who struggle at the hands of SSRi drugs, one of the many who feel isolated because medicine regulators around the world are so limp-wristed that they dare not acknowledge that they are part of the problem.

Nobody can offer a safe and effective way to come off these drugs, they can only offer a guidance, a guidance that was put into place by the small handful of psychiatrists that have spoken about about the dangers of SSRi withdrawal.

I abhor GlaxoSmithKline for what they did to Phil Lawrence. I abhor them for what they did to me. I abhor them for their constant denials and refusal to acknowledge that the withdrawal problem is far bigger than what they claim. They created a monster and people, just like Phil Lawrence, have to battle against that monster with little more than a pill cutter because the very same people who manufactured the drug won't help him.

The documentary should make those that see it reach for their keyboards to lobby someone, anyone, for answers. They will never get answers from the likes of GSK, they will never get answers via litigation [it's all about money and not GSK's bad behaviour.]

6 months into tapering is where the documentary ends. Phil was still having horrific withdrawal symptoms.
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bpcyclist, OliverB
Thanks for this!
mary2020, OliverB