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InsomniaViaHaldol's Avatar
Member Since Jan 2020
Location: hell
Posts: 51
Default Jan 14, 2020 at 02:45 PM
I was watching a 60 minutes or something the other day where they were talking about intermittent fasting and how that can be helpful. I am not sure the details, so I won't try to explain it myself.

I kind of do that. I eat about once a day - dinner. I might have a small lunch some days, but usually it is just dinner.

Around 3 pm or so I do some upper body strength work and then 45 minutes on a spin bike. Then dinner about 7 pm or 8 pm. Sometimes in the middle of the night I get a bowl of cereal like cheerios or raisin bran with almond milk - I think like a lot of america, cow's milk is a thing of the past.

I found watching movies during my bike time makes it fly by. It has to pretty much be a comedy though, some slow moving movies make the time seem much longer.
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