Originally Posted by giddykitty
weighed myself today after a few days and it went back down a pound (was down 2 then back up 1)...but then I weighed myself again an hour later and it went back up a pound. ugh! why did i do that? why did IT do that?? I didn't eat or anything. Just had water and I thought I'd passed that! Trying to lose weight can be so frustrating!
It’s best to weigh at the same time every day and preferably first thing in the morning since weigh the least before eating breakfast. It’s normal for weight to fluctuate throughout the day by a pound or two, and more if exercise for hour or more can lose one or more pounds in sweat. Then need to replace each pound in sweat lost with approximately 16 ounces water and need electrolytes if exercise more than 45-60 minutes.