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Lightbulb Jan 24, 2020 at 05:14 PM
So my councilor suggested this personaitly test called VIA. Here the link here - Personality Test, Personality Assessment: VIA Survey | VIA Institute
It tells your top 24 but the Top 5 she told me is your strengths. If you can use that say for a career it being happiness and success. Since my question to her was about what career could I do.

So these are my results. I asked her what I can do with this? She said usually she gives them to her clients and that's it they happy with results or I can Google to find what skills required in a job.
The issue is the title of these results are very vague., so if I Google it I probably won't get much of a result

So I written down the results here with descriptions. My question to you is what kind of job comes into mind with these descriptions?

Top Strengths

You are honest, authentic, and act with integrity. You tell the truth and present yourself as who you are. Yoi take responsibility for your own actions and feelings and you are open about it. You're not pretending to be some thing that you are not.

Appreciation of Beauty and Exellence.
Yoi can appreciate the beauty in things, for example, in nature. You vaule good and great performance in all domains of life you appreciate what is good right and beautiful and you experience awe.

You the ability to you and be loved. You vaule deep realtionships with mea ingful others. Reciprocity is important for sharing and caring. You like to be close to other people, to be connected.

You like pleasing other people by doing favors and acts of kindness
You help and care for others. You are generous and compassionate
You can also be kind towards yourself by taking good care of yourself.

Socail Intelligence
You are aware of your motives and feelings and those of others. You can adapt in all kinds of socail situations. You understand what drives people and you are insightful in how people think and feel.
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