Yes understand how it is difficult to feel part of a group since moved every few years as a kid, I’m different anyway so growing up in one place wouldn’t have helped much. It was educational to move around and broaden my horizons. It’s difficult when you feel different and even when in a group you feel like an impostor or a fraud, waiting to be called out at any moment as a fraud. What are YOU doing here, YOU don’t belong... ouch. This is how I’ve felt in the past, I tried, I’m smart and just not outgoing and the entertaining speaker I needed to be, teach classes, talk a lot, be outgoing, be extra extroverted.
Ugh, it was not me, now I’m avoidant it seems and would prefer to avoid almost all human contact, no not really. It was a bad experience that I went through and was trying to please others and knew it wasn’t me.
My bad......