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Default Feb 09, 2020 at 08:19 AM
My sister begged me to visit her at her new apartment yesterday with my parents and her boyfriend. What a nightmare! I don't know why I even went. It was awful in so many ways. For example, my dad partly came down to help her out with setting up curtains and her headboard for her bed. My dad had been working from like 2:30pm until 6pm setting everything up because the headboard's holes didn't align with the bed frame's holes, and the curtains were being a pain. Well, at 6pm, my dad said he was tired and couldn't finish the curtains, so he offered to come by the next day. My sister then screamed at him: "WHY DID YOU EVEN COME? YOU WERE GOING TO DO ALL OF THIS FOR ME AND NOW YOU DIDN'T DO IT. YOU DON'T LOVE ME, DO YOU?"

The thing is... it took my dad over an hour to drive there and back, and he had already spent part of his day buying supplies to even set that stuff up in her apartment. (Electric screwdriver, curtain rods, etc..) So all in all, he was out from like 8am until 6pm and was exhausted. But no, she could not be thankful. She just screamed at him, and IN FRONT OF HER BOYFRIEND.

I don't know why she is so abusive and manipulative!! Awful human being!! She treats people like trash when they don't do everything she wants. Plus, she didn't even BUY anything. Didn't buy the electric screwdriver, didn't buy the curtain rods, didn't buy the curtains, didn't buy the headboard, etc. etc..

Anyway, it was awkward for me to stand there and watch her yell at him. I was helping my dad out with stuff, and I told my sister to calm down, but she was like, "NO!!!!! HE TOLD ME HE WOULD DO ALL OF THIS TODAY!!!!! STAY OUT OF IT!!!!!!"

Whatever. That's the last time I go to visit her. I can't stand her. I only went because she wanted me to see it before she starts her new job. She was being manipulative about it and I gave in. I shouldn't have.
Hugs from:
Anonymous41462, Anonymous43918, Anonymous46341, bizi, bpcyclist, giddykitty, Innerzone, Nammu, Sunflower123, Wild Coyote
Thanks for this!
Wild Coyote, ~Christina