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Old Feb 09, 2020, 09:48 AM
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feb2020user feb2020user is offline
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Member Since: Feb 2020
Location: USA
Posts: 49
For AsPD, the best and most active forum that I've found is still here:

It's not amazing, by any means. There are a lot of people who wander onto the forum to pretend to be sociopaths for whatever reason. If you actually have AsPD, though, you can easily spot that a lot of long-time posters have it, too. It's also rather fun, because it's created a sort of game surrounding a pecking order of which users are seen as more genuine, so there's a lot of Social Darwinism going on amidst the occasional help. I'd recommend not carrying the gatekeeping and armchair diagnoses out of that forum, though.

For psychopathy, I highly recommend this blog and forum by M. E. Thomas:

I actually had the pleasure of talking to Thomas on a few brief occasions. This blog has also helped me explain to the people I know with just AsPD how the additional psychopathic traits differ out in the wild, since she's quite open about her severely reduced emotions and how that affects everything from political debates to sexuality. She comes across as likely a little narcissistic and histrionic, too, at times, but that's sort of to be expected.