Thread: Powerlessness
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Default Feb 10, 2020 at 03:54 PM
The emptiness I feel isn't boredom. It's more existential than that. It's a pervasive feeling of powerlessness. Everything that I am has been constructed to counter that, right down to my rejection of self-identity in an attempt to keep control over my own individuality. All that's left when you devalue larger goals is short-term, hedonistic gratification. All that's left when you devalue other people that you can't control is egocentrism.

That's why no amount of power or entertainment I seek is ever enough. The problem I'm trying to solve isn't an external one.

It isn't necessarily that you seek power, though, but rather that your methods of seeking power are maladaptive. You try to cope with your feelings of powerlessness by rejecting an identity and devaluing larger goals. How do you suppose that'll lead to a happy or fulfilling life? Or lead to you obtaining power?

Instead, it leads to self-doubt:

I'm a control freak because I'm broken

...which often causes the feelings of powerlessness to spiral.

You're not broken. More than likely, you'll always have a desire for power, but it isn't wrong to desire power. It's how you go about it. As you become aware of the desires which drive your behavior, you gain more control over your own actions and even your own thought processes.

I guess the next step is to find some way to accept my powerlessness.

Firstly, what's currently making you feel powerless?

Secondly, why is accepting powerlessness a remedy?

Honestly, I think AsPD is so wide that it probably applies to a ton of people for different reasons.

Yeah, and it's one of the major criticisms of ASPD as a diagnostic term.
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