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Default Feb 15, 2020 at 07:39 PM
@Miss Laura sorry to hear about your CT scan results.

Definitely don't rely on this friend for any emotional support in the future related to your brain lesion. She sounds like a horrible friend to dismiss your concern so easily.

I have two TBI's (traumatic brain injuries) from previous car accidents. I worry about temporal lobe dementia all the time. I have learned over the years not to discuss my anxiety about my TBI's with anyone in my family (my sister's response when I told her I also had NAFLD, "you don't look sick." <-- totally dismissive response).

I found some info online about brain tumors.

If I were you, I'd get the surgery to have the lesion removed. A childhood friend of mine has a brain lesion but she refuses to have the surgery so she takes corticosteroids to keep the lesion's swelling down b/c if she doesn't, then it will continue to grow since she refuses to have it removed. Do NOT let the neurologist talk you into radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Do not do that. It will destroy your immune system. If push comes to shove, just get the brain surgery or take the prescribed corticosteroids and/or antibiotics. Don't let them convince you to put that poisonous chemotherapy crap into your body. Tell them, "Look, either cut this bastard lesion out, or give me drugs that will prevent it from growing."

I'm sorry you have to go through this. Feel free to PM me if you need to. I love to talk about neurology and the brain. Hang in there. *hugs*
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Thanks for this!
Miss Laura