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Confused Feb 27, 2020 at 05:44 PM
I am a 31 year old female. I have some reason to believe I might be on the autism scale. I'm not sure what the proper and polite terms are, so I apologize if this post might seem offensive. I definitely do not mean to come across that way, I am just looking for help. I have had sensory issues with touch throughout my life, and it was not until recently that I noticed the severity and stopped to think, "This is not "normal.""

-I scored a 36 on the Autism / Asperger's Screening Quiz.
-I've been diagnosed with agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, and depression in adulthood. I was going to go back to see about OCD, but the sensory issue is the one I notice affecting my life.
-I am overly jumpy. I have been asked by war veterans if I have PTSD due to how jumpy i am to sudden movements near me, loud noises, or someone touching me.
-I can not stand gentle touching. It makes my skin crawl. I need to be touched very firmly for it to not bother me. I have almost fallen down stairs do to being gently touched on my shoulders.
-I have been described as overly ticklish by all of my family.
-I am so clumsy. Could be my height as I am tall for a woman. I spilled almost every cup as a child bc I would knock them over. This was more than my cousins who were younger.
-My ears are so sensitive. I wore hearing protection a lot as a child to events that other kids did not.
-It feels as thought I can physically feel sound waves in my ears, which can be both nice are irritating.
-Was painfully shy as a child. I have memories spending a lot of time hiding behind my mom's leg in social settings, yet I crave community and belonging.
-I've struggled to make friends.
-I obsess over the things I truly love and care about.
-I obsess over dates. My wedding anniversary is 9-1-19, because it is a palindrome. Having a date that's numbers were patterned actually affected my wedding date.
-Numbers. I have obsessed over numbers since childhood while excelling in math.
-I struggled in college. Writing is very difficult to me. I am obsessive about perfecting what I say. I can't simply think a thought and write it down. I have to overly evaluate that thought to make sure it's even a logical thought to have. I don't mean "fact-checking". I mean evaluating it obsessively.
-I truly dislike fiction. It's a waste of time unless it is humor or emotionally comforting. I believe laughing is necessary, but the rest is not.

The problem is, I've struggled as an adult. I was smart as a kid. School was overly easy for me, until college. I struggle socializing and act out social situations in my head after leaving each one. I know I have terrible anxiety, but it feels more complex than that. The way I think is not "normal". My reactions are more irritable than they should be to simple changes in plans.

What do I do now and what would this mean for my future. I'm 31, and this is really starting to interfere with my life. Whatever "this" is. I get treatment through the Veterans hospital for my other issues, but I am not sure if they have help fro this.
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Thanks for this!
Discombobulated, Skeezyks