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Grand Magnate
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Default Feb 29, 2020 at 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by winter4me View Post
Can you and your ex sit down and come up with what works best for the kids and for you guys? This is what my ex and I ended up doing years ago and it worked out fine. (meaning the kids grew up and have good lives and we are each retired, not friends but not enemies) I lasted one mediation session...

I am sure, though, that there are good mediators out there, it would be worth interviewing a few to ask about how they work to see if it sounds like a good fit. (((best luck)))

My x refuses to speak to me. He’s very angry & very vindictive. Every step of this divorce he slows down. I’ve been waiting for discovery to start since September; had to file a motion to compel. My last lawyer was not aggressive enough to get him or his lawyer to move.
When we wento mediation I had several pages of notes of things I wanted to discuss that I had researched & wanted addressed. He had nothing. Didn’t know the difference between partial & shared custody that I had to explain to him. He sat across the table with his arms crossed & said no to just about everything. It was extremely difficult & demeaning even down to his tone & yet the mediator said nothing. I gave up a lot.

Now my oldest who’s 15 has refused to come see me since December. She knows that due to her age she can’t be forced. It kills me that I don’t see her or get to be in her life. She in therapy but refused to release any info.
My X has not asked her to reconsider this or to talk about it with her but it has created a huge wedge bec my other children will come according to the schedule. I know I can’t push her.
He refuses to communicate anything to me; like parallel parenting. I’m pretty sure he’d be thrilled if I was dead

"Doubt is like dye. Once it spreads into the fabric of excuses you've woven, you'll never get rid of the stain."
Jodi Picoult
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