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Default Apr 02, 2020 at 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
I just want to add one additional thing I neglected to mention before. I was in a very large hospital for close to five years where a large percentage of all the schizophrenics and bipolar patients were on Seroquel. Pretty sure the hospital had negotiated some kind of favorable deal with a distributor or the mfr., though I cannot document that.

Anyhow, that hospital had and still has a massive, massive problem with metabolic syndrome. Drug-induced diabetes is everywhere, so much so that the USDOJ investigated and demanded reforms. Long story.

My own community pdoc basically will not prescribe it. He feels it is much, much more dangerous vis a vis diabetes inducement than any other option and does not have enough upside for most people to justify that risk. He thinks it should be withdrawn from the market.

The more we learn about diabetes, even type 2, the more of a killer we discover it to be.

So, Seroquel is effective for many and safe probably for most. But once you develop diabetes, there is no getting that one back. So, I suggest paying close attention to yourA1C and other labs. And being very cautious with your diet.

Kudos to your current pdoc. I, too, believe that Seroquel should be removed from the market. It's killing people. Seriously.


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