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Default Apr 25, 2020 at 08:46 AM
I thought I would take a moment to look on the positive side. Where I am the shut down probably will not be over until June the earliest and July at latest. I am still being paid and I am working from home every day.

1. Getting Sleep: Because i don't have to commute I am sleeping at least another 2 hours each day. This is just amazing - I suspect - for my body. I get some really quality sleep these days. I have so much more energy per day.

2. Eating my own food: by and large I am making my own sandwiches and making my own breakfast -- when I want to, and how I want to. This has allowed me to save money, actually not gain weight, and get better at home cooking. I am having less coffee because I don't need to force myself awake. I am wondering if soon I will be able to give it up. I did this when I was in grad school because if I got tired, I could just sleep.

3. Less Distractions: Though I am more efficient at work, there are tons more distractions. People walking in, useless phone calls. Right now I am using an awkward computer but if I was set up at home going forward, it would be magical.

4. More time for Breaks I am the type of person who does best by doing 2 hours work and then resting for 2 hours, and then going back and so forth. This doesn't work well in the 9 to 5 world. But working at home I can work at my pace and with what is best for me. For instance today I am going to do some work. Because it is easier for me to do like 4 hours a day than to do 8 in 5 days. It just works better. I did this in grad school. If I got tried studying I just went to sleep. I would do the work when I woke up.

5. Able to get things done. It is just amazing to be able to head off to the doctor's office for an hour before I even start work. This would be impossible with a commute on a normal work day.

6. Starting to fall back into who I used to be: This is really a kicker but I have been working full time for 20 years. With very little time off. Being in the house, all day, every day... just allows for your brain to rest. For you to start to think about you. For you to get a lot of those long delayed projects done, for you to have joy about getting those project done. You start to come back to yourself. To have faith and courage that if something comes up, you can handle it.

7. Leave time. Because I can get things done outside of work and still put in an 8 hour day. I haven't had the need for leave time in weeks. This is starting to make a real difference.

8. Retirement: I have always worried that retirement would drive me crazy, but, I am starting to really think I will love it. I am starting to consider a business when I retire. I think I might like to have 4 hours or so of work per day. But I feel like I am getting a feel for what retirement will be like and I am happy about it.

9. Kitty: Well my kitty is NOT thrilled that I am home... he is not getting his beauty sleep. However, I do feel like he is happy that i am home. (albeit confused)

10. Dressing / Showering: Though I do "Zoom" with regard to work, so I can't look horrible. I have saved sooo much money by not having to dry clean clothing, or clean clothing (I have enough clean clothing to last a month) and yes, if I am not going out, I am going to shower every 2nd day. The thing with this is that it also saves time. Not having to prepare clothing.

11. Money Savings: Though I lost a lot of money in the stock market, I am saving a lot each month. No dry cleaning, no coffee / snacks in the afternoon, no gas (but that is super cheap now), less on food, no eyebrow wax, no hair salon, no new clothing. Less opportunities to buy things that aren't necessary.

And you?
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Hugs from:
Deilla, Goforward, mote.of.soul, MuseumGhost, Skeezyks, Sunflower123, unaluna
Thanks for this!
mote.of.soul, MuseumGhost, Row Jimmy