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Default May 13, 2020 at 12:50 AM
i was furloughed due to covid-19. some of us will be laid off.

i was promoted earlier this year. after stay at home was put in place, i was able to work from home briefly before being furloughed.

my previous position would have meant immediate furlough since i wouldn't have been able to work from home.

i don't know if anyone else from my department was furloughed since we are able to work from home.

as the most junior member of my new department, i feel like i'm in danger of losing my job permanently.

i don't know if the recent promotion puts me on unstable footing, or if it works in my favor.

my strengths (that are apparent to the company):
- i have shown ability to learn new skills
- people who knew about my work liked it
- my department has a high turnover rate, so it's good to have someone like me who stays to gain experience and learn. although i don't know if the turnover rate will decrease in this job market.

my weaknesses:
- i don't know how to tell people (esp. upper management) the extent of my new skills
- fear of others/bad communication
- i had a terrible meeting with upper management about why i should be promoted. i basically dissociated and shut down. couldn't speak much and couldn't emote
- i'm shy, awkward, antisocial by habit, easily misunderstood. i don't think i fit in.
- my promotion may have been partly due to work politics. obviously i can do the job, and some people in management saw potential (or were they using me for political gain?) but i haven't had enough time to prove myself.

i graduated from college recently. getting promoted was not about doing a good job--that's easy enough. getting promoted was more about willpower to stick it out and withstand. i feel like if i lose my job i'll have to start from scratch again. it will really suck.

i have a really bad feeling i'll lose my job. and i have no one (have never had anyone) to speak to who works and could possibly lend their experiences to help me understand my situation.

Last edited by Anonymous43774; May 13, 2020 at 01:26 AM..
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