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Exclamation May 17, 2020 at 07:09 AM
I take that back, I do know why.

I've got to have a difficult conversation - THAT conversation - with my boss and I'm just ... I don't know how or where to start!

I know I cannot return to work as a bus operator.

It's not that I can't drive, it's my mobility issues!

They've gotten to the point that I am physically unable to do all that's required to pre and post trip the bus into and out of service.

Not to mention the new Covid-19 protocols in place that will require us to sanitize them several times a day while in service!

I've pushed through as long as I can, and I just can't do it anymore!

I feel useless = worthless!

It scares me because it's either gonna go one or two ways ...

Either they will utilize ADA and find me a vacant position I'm qualified for that doesn't require a lot of physical activity or ...

I will be forced to go out on long-term disability and lose everything I've worked so hard to achieve this past decade!

I'm only 11 months away from being vested and it sucks to know I'm not going to make it - at least no serving in my current capacity!

Of course, I would get back all I've contributed, but that IS NOT THE SAME as having a monthly retirement check coming in!

Not even gonna try to imagine how I'll get by on disability and cover rent, healthcare, groceries, gas and all that ...

De-Pfkn-Pfeated Indeed!

Hugs from:
lizardlady, ~Christina
Thanks for this!