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Member Since Oct 2017
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Default May 17, 2020 at 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by AzulOscuro View Post
Yes of course!
I wanted to introduce the topic of abuse in a family and in a couple, which roles still play the patterns we are taught since we are kids. Not only patterns and values transmitted by our family but by other social groups as well.

The thing is I was wondering why abuse and chauvinist attitude are still present in young people. As if we still didn’t get to find a solution for this problem.

Only now it seems is being putting in the spotlight but I miss more researchers, more measures, more publicity for an issue that leads to more deceased people and broken lives than the ones because of for example, terrorism.
In my family, my sister was the abusive one. She would beat me up since we were toddlers. I was the older brother but she was a dirty fighter and very aggresive. My family was Mediterranean so people shamed me for being a sissy and losing fights to her. The fact that in our culture, I was taught that I was supposed to be in charge made it extra humiliating for me for being constantly getting beaten up by her. Even now, there is hardly any research on abuse by sisters and if you search sibling abuse, it will go automatically to older brother abusing younger brother or sister. I still find what happened to me very humiliating and have only shared it with my therapists. Unfortunately, she did that a lot in front of cousins and outside in front of neighbours so everyone knew!
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