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Default May 21, 2020 at 05:34 PM
With regards to chelation (heavy-metals) therapy, it can be dangerous. The heavy-metals detox I used was not a chelation therapy. If you're interested, PM me and I can give you the name of it so you can do your own research on it. I used it, my partner used it and my 3yr old used it.. with zero side effects. It brought my high numbers down to almost zero. It also helped remove biofilm out of my daughter. Again, it's not a chelation therapy that's traditionally being used.

The GAPS Diet has a history and reputation. The doctor recommends we go slowly and to listen to our bodies. It's not a fad diet. It's a dietary healing protocol that was originally used for patients with schizophrenia (way back in the day). A doctor revised it a bit. My entire family saw gains with this program, and all for different reasons. It really just promotes a balance between meat and vegetables, while eliminating all processed and unnatural foods.

The elimination diet is to assess what food sensitivities affect an individual. It's very personal. It's also a temporary diet until you can figure out which foods are triggering. I did this with my son. I removed cow milk for 2 weeks. His diarrhea and meltdowns went away. Daycare staff (19 yrs ago) said he behaved like a different person. I didn't tell them I was doing this, initially. I had just told him to give him snacks from his lunch bag, only. After 2 weeks, I reintroduced cow milk. Not only did his diarrhea return, but his meltdowns did, too.. which were far more intense because he hadn't drank milk in 2 weeks and I was then giving it to him in larger quantities. So, it was safe to say, cow milk was a trigger food for him.

Be careful, for sure. Do your research!
Good luck!
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