You got it exactly right, Unaluna. GPS became available at the beginning of this century. Just about the time I retired. It sure makes things a lot easier. I remember standing on the side of the road in the middle of the night in the rain trying to read the small print on my Thomas Bros. map. (That's when I knew I needed glasses.) No doubt about it, GPS makes life so much easier. But the thing about paper maps - if you've misspelled something or need to find a bridge that you don't know the name of, a paper map comes in handy.
Revu2 I plan to check your zoom show.
Speaking of habits, psych central is beginning to feel like home.
I'll finish the GPS/maps step today. Didn't get around to it yesterday.
Okay, I'll complete a couple of steps with editing and housekeeping, and then I'll goof around shamelessly.
Hugs to all.