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Default May 24, 2020 at 06:54 AM
I am stuck here due to my cat and my job. I also don't want to move because I plan on moving for retirement. 7-10 years.

I feel like I did everything I could here to insure a good neighborhood. But I never could have foreseen the weird attitude and ignorance of people who live here. If I hear one more time "I am one of the original owners" as if that means anything. Last year we got into a spat at the annual meeting where one of my neighbors wanted something done and we told her we disagreed and she just kept acting like she should get it because she put in the request. I told her.. ok then you get on the board (there are open spaces) and she literally acted like a 3 year old going -- I don't have to get on the board. Um yes, apparently you don't understand the things... yes.. you do.

My other favorite is the constant refrain that the slightest thing is going to hurt condo values. I feel like that prior boards didn't know any better but I know for a fact that all the things they claim are going to "hurt values" aren't true. They wanted us to get new decks and it seemed like it might increase values but since that time other condos in the area have gotten new decks and it hasn't done anything for their values. So getting new decks would only be like a 100K capital project that isn't necessary. But there are some people here who like to walk around on their decks in their bare feet. (which you should do anyway) and want new decks because walking around on your bear feet you could get a splinter. Ugh.
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Skeezyks, Travelinglady, unaluna