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Default May 29, 2020 at 12:41 PM
Sorry if this rant comes across as "mean," but I am absolutely sick of hearing about people on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. saying stuff like, "let's talk about mental health," then start overexaggerating and saying how "bad" they have it because they want to "compete" with other people. They also say stupid things like, "I hAve OcD bEcaUsE I LiKe To sTaY oRgaNiZEd!!! I HaVe To KeEp mY PeNciLs iN a StRaiGhT LiNe!!! tHaT MeANs I oBViOuSLy hAvE OCD. I aM uNDiaGnOSeD, tHoUgh!!! LeT'S tALk aBoUt MeNtaL HeALtH!!!!" Similar stuff can be said about BP, ADHD, etc., where people say stuff like, "I hAvE biPOLaR bECaUsE mY MOoD fLiP fLoPs BaCk aND fOrTH eVeRY SecOND. LeT'S tALk aBoUt MeNtaL HeALtH."

Sure, a portion of these people do legitimately have mental health conditions, but the attention wh*re nature of some people just really grinds my gears. People want to talk about how important mental health is, which is FANTASTIC and I 100% agree it's important, but a good chunk of those people seem to think that mental health is "trendy" now. Or they want to make people feel bad for them. I find this behavior sickening. It's like 90% of these people have a hidden agenda.

I am glad that mental health is getting talked about more, but some of this stuff is one sick joke.
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Hugs from:
Anonymous46341, bpcyclist, Fuzzybear, Nammu, xRavenx
Thanks for this!
BipolaRNurse, bpcyclist, xRavenx