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Default Jun 08, 2020 at 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by raging vortex View Post

I refuse to wear jackets or anything else that makes it hard for my skin to breav.
question: do you ever wonder about the others who post here?. wonder what they look like, what they sound like, etc etc. would you meet anyone on the forum if you could?
I have some mental images of what I think some people look like. Voices? Not as much, with just a couple exceptions. I know that a couple people I know/knew on other websites, when seeing a photo of me, said I looked different than they imagined. A couple said I looked exactly what they imagined. As for meeting others in person, I would be willing, in some cases, but would want to do so in a safe environment.

Q: Have you ever met anyone from any kind of online forum (even one other than PC)? If not, have you ever thought that you really wanted to?