Apparently T already heard from pdoc and called me right away-- he left a message, but I was in my meeting with the human resources person.
I don't know why I even asked anyone's opinion on here. I don't even know why I left T a message back, asking his opinion. I'm in a %#@&#! spot right now and I can't even express to anyone what it is like to be in the midst of getting a position as a therapist and trying to decide whether or not I should be an inpatient because I have crazy %#@&#! mood swings and can't stop cutting myself up. Do you know how %#@&#! up it feels when one hour ago, I was being asked when I would like to start this job as a therapist, and I'm thinking.... Well, I might be hopsitalized so I have to allow time for that....
I can't stabilize myself in the sense of which is career that I'm entering into. That is %#@&#! sad.