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Member Since Oct 2007
Location: Fayetteville, AR
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Default Apr 21, 2008 at 11:50 PM
personally, i dont think you can really have a very good sex life without eventually being open about stuff. i had to tell my boyfriend all about it. but then again ive had ovarian cysts and uterine polyps and didn't want him in the dark with all my health problems. but i would highly suggest just getting over your fear and talking about it. it might bring you closer than you think. condoms should be used no matter what. you don't ovulate the same exact day every month and its difficult to tell when youre ovulating unless you keep track several months in a row and develop a pattern to it.

i think talking about it can teach both of you things. i think, if i went to my boyfriend to talk to him about it, and he took it badly, that would be a sign for me right there. you guys need to be open with each other if youre going to have a good sex life and a good relationship. also, its a HUGE number of people who get herpes and HIV simply because they don't know they have it. Its a little late now for the STDs but its still very possible for the baby thing to happen lol.

and rhap - it is not safe to have sex without a condom the week after your period. everyone is different. you can still ovulate on or right after your period and have an egg ready to be fertilized. its not safe to have it on your period, right before, right after.... nothing. unless youre on birth control, it is NEVER safe to have sex w/o a condom unless youre trying to have kids. simple as that. ask any health teacher.
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