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Default Jun 27, 2020 at 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by whimsicalman View Post
Wow, I am rather impressed by your seeming spiritual depth for someone on the atheist path. I haven't really encountered that in anyone who identified as atheist. (Other than coming across someone I really don't know or associate with on a forum here and there.) Blessings on your path!

So, that's two for the singing bowls. I have not tried them, personally, but I love how they sound. Might have to look into that and see if/how they could complement or improve some of my practices.
Well I have had a ton of spiritual experiences that confirm for me personally that religion is not my path (and doesn't need to be). I have had past lives (we all do, most remember them in dreams but deny their reality for fear of not conforming and being outed as a 'freak'). I've met Buddhist monks who knew me in our past lives together. I've met regular people who knew me in our past lives together. I've talked to ghosts. I've had psychic experiences. I've seen my family members before they were born and talked to them. I've had my Akashic records opened. I've had conversations with master Buddhist monks about my past lives and this life who also have known me before. So, I reject anything Western as far as religion is concerned. It's about control and fear mongering and lies and politics. That's just MY belief and opinion about Western religions. I reject all religions. Buddhism is not a religion either, it's a philosophy NOT a theology. And Buddha was not a god. But, I digress.

I believe everything alive is energy and vibration and even water has vibration inside it. There is a science to spirituality that I follow and believe. I reject all things theological or Christian or Catholic or Western or European as far as religion is concerned. I'm not a new age hippie either. I reject that belief system too.

I am happy with percussion, nature, sound healing, walking mediation, nutrition, being a loner (with good morals) and letting people believe what they need to believe, even though I reject and disagree with it.
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Hugs from:
Breaking Dawn, whimsicalman
Thanks for this!
Mindful55, whimsicalman