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Default Jul 04, 2020 at 06:45 AM
either know you won't or seem extremely unlikely

1. I want to be a dolphin, and swim through the ocean with no worries (which might happen, but I'll never get to be a dolphin, like an actual body of one which is what I want)

2. I want to journey to space (like the moon or planet mars). this one heavily relies on money (which I never have enough of), and if they ever finalise space travel (which their has been talk of, I think)

3. I'd like to send a full theme park ride with guests around the track (if they offer a backstage tour of an amusement park, maybe. but if not probably not)

all I can think of for now, but their are probably others. I'll come back to it
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Hugs from:
Anonymous45504, Travelinglady
Thanks for this!
Sometimes psychotic