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Default Jul 07, 2020 at 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Super loud tunes from neighbor at 2 AM.

Japanese eggplant?
I like it, but haven't had it for a long time. My husband doesn't like it (or Chinese eggplant), and it often requires garlic in associated recipes. My husband is allergic to garlic. Sorry I vent about my husband's dietary issues a lot. I love him dearly, but they do bug me a little. He hates garlic in the house and even complains about smelling it in restaurants. I do make Italian/American eggplant dishes sometimes, but that is a bit different. His allergy and certain food dislikes are a pain in the butt. Not so much for my cooking, but at restaurants and certain prepared foods at stores. I could go on about that.

Q: What is something a person (or pet) near you does that bugs you?