Thread: Need to vent
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Member Since Jul 2020
Location: California
Posts: 79
Default Jul 18, 2020 at 04:29 PM

M. I’m finding that I’m holding onto this anger more than I would like

C. Tell me more

M. I have all sorts of emotions I’m dealing with

C. Anger?

M. Yes

C. Expand. Just get everything out

M. Okay. So, seeing the picture he posted about this project he’s doing made me feel bad

C. Why is that you think?

M. It bothered me that he again was trying to make himself the center of attention

C. What else?

M. It made me envious that he got a like from someone we work with

C. Why did this bother you?

M. It made me feel inferior and frustrated

C. Go on

M. I think it bothered me because of what he did earlier in the day in terms of butting into my meeting.

C. Let’s shift your thinking for a moment, okay?

M. Okay

C. Imagine that you get PM and SDPM listed on A/X + you complete the PAPB and include it with PM and SDPM + you sign with ST and then you list this on your profile + you get FC to do BD

M. Go on

C. When this happens you can tell him that you’re now officially part of ST and that this will make it easier to open doors than MLP because of the power of ST. Take a crack at what you might be able to say.

M. Okay. I could say:

“Hey, just expanded my relationship with ST to help them build their CP. I’m pretty excited about this because from a BD perspective it’s so great to be able to have ST in my signature and be able to say that we work with ____ like ____, ____, and ____.

AND also have a customer who wants to be a partner and will devote BD resources to PB. They’re also part of SF.

AND we are now listed on A/X with two products.

So, very excited about all of this. Main focus is building p——. Finally have not just one great product but four: PM + SDPM + PAPB + SPM and incredible partners and the ST name, so very, very excited. This will allow me to approach any account, PE or BC firm. I’m also hiring a person to help me deploy the PBS.”

C. How did that feel?

M. F’ing great!

C. Great. You can also imagine him being like a foot tall dressed in a fur coat and a purse.

M. That’s funny

C. Second to none! Time to compete! Stand strong! Assertive!

M. Got it!

C. Did this help?

M. Absolutely! Thanks!

C. My pleasure
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