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Default Jul 20, 2020 at 07:33 PM
Rose, from knowing you fairly well I think, I know how giving you are. How much you care and I think people see that in you and yes, maybe not willingly or knowingly, take advantage of your knowledge and how well you listen.

You are right to not let them drain you in a time of need. It's unbelievable that at a time where you have a huge loss they aren't considerate or asking how YOU really are.

I can't compare, in the least, but I just experienced this with the one friend I've kept in life, today. I'm trying to get some support, and I hear on and on about people in her life that have nothing to do with me,, nor do I know them or care to know. I care about my friend, I'd love to have a talk about the both of us, but all I got was, as she drove away,
"chin up, keep your chin up".....after an hour of shopping for another gf that she has. I'm grateful to have anyone at this point, but it seems people that truly want to know how you are, and care, are few and far between.

I'm very sorry for your loss, I've been following your posts just keeping you in my heart, hoping that things will get better. I believe it will, you just need time to get some strength again and grieve. Much love to you hope you soon get some good sleeps.
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Hugs from:
Breaking Dawn, Rose76
Thanks for this!