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Old Jul 22, 2020, 02:10 PM
GranCindy GranCindy is offline
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Member Since: Jul 2020
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Posts: 5
It's true that supplements may be helpful, but, please do your research before taking anything new and definitely check with your doctor if you are on prescribed medications. Make sure the supplement is of quality. A lot of companies use ingredients that are marginal at best, especially discount houses. Before I buy a supplement, I always research it on the internet, read the reviews and make comparisons.

Vitamin D is one of those supplements that is more effective in liquid form. You should buy the best quality Vitamin D you can afford, as the cheap ones don't do very much once ingested.

I take a probiotic for women daily. I also use an herbal respiratory product because I have asthma and breathing issues at times. I recently found a local herbal product for boosting memory that has an added benefit of supporting blood building. I can tell a difference in energy when I take it. I think the reason it's labeled as helping memory is due to it's ability to perk up one's energy and that clears the mind and improves clarity of thinking.

I try to avoid prescription medicine unless absolutely necessary, like an antibiotic or an antiviral. I am blessed with good health except for my lungs which tend toward weakness. I use herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies as much as possible, with good results. I was married to a Chinese medicine practitioner years ago and learned a lot. I have also studied herbs and have prepared tinctures. I use essential oils for health and beauty. There is a lot of great research available online if you are so inclined.
Thanks for this!
MuseumGhost, Travelinglady