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Default Jul 24, 2020 at 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by seesaw View Post
I totally feel you! My goal is to keep working and not get sick. Seems pretty reasonable to me!
The goal ended up being kind of lame. I guess just something he could write on the form so he had something to write. At least it is over with.

Earned my keep a little yesterday- I work with two other people who are supposed to be the main people for my boss. They get paid more than me and get better prestige... but can't even be bothered to crack a rule book and know procedure.

They sent me something yesterday and it had a glaring error... imho the person in charge of this should have checked the rule..

So I had to contact my boss and ask.. sending it out that way would make us look like we were fools.

It really annoys me. People in this position before were young so I would typically give it a pass but the person in the position now is old and sooo arrogant... so it is even more annoying that something basic she can't seem to see. I know she and my boss probably think I am a jerk for pointing it out but it is her job to have this stuff be perfect.

I am exhausted from catching their errors.
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