I did lots of things. I moved every year from the child's birth until adulthood. Didn't figure out that I have PTSD & get help, so I know my behavior was erratic at times. I had a new boyfriend every 30 minutes, trying to feel 'loved'. I made my child the center of my life. Although I did discipline (time-outs, being grounded, loss of privileges, etc, I never used physical punishment) I don't think I made it clear that no one has the universe revolving around them. Also - and worst - as things broke down, and got worse, I was so lost and confused by everything that was happening, I didn't ask for help which probably contributed to the rapid down-hill deteriorating of not only our relationship but their mental health.
We had a great relationship for almost 20 years and then all of a sudden everything broke down & I couldn't handle it.