Thread: Is this a joke?
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Default Aug 07, 2020 at 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Ahnoid21 View Post
I recently watched a documentary about these quick quizzes. One of the speakers commented on them being arranged in such a way that you are meant to be left questioning yourself, your status, and therefore seek further guidance. This would be especially true if it were a quiz arranged for a specific condition, such as ADHD. For example, if you remember, a couple if years back, Adam Levine was a spokesperson for an ADHD med, i think it was Vyvanse? But on the commercial, he said something like, its my ADHD, own it, and to find out if this would be right for you, take the quiz...etc. I can understand skepticism about results, especially those generated by companies like the example, a pharmaceutical company sets up a quiz for you to basically fail so that you can show the dr the results and well, look at that, now you're prescribed the drug, isn't that convenient?! But its true, there are an awful lot of factors that go into mental health and how answers can affect the score. Like, i took the bipolar quiz and the bipolar test. One said absolutely, the other said unlikely. So, am I bipolar, or is the format of evaluation?

What was the documentary called?
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