Really depends on the context for me. Men I know in daily life, for the most part no, I'm not comfortable opening up to them. I've a few men I know whom I trust enough to be vulnerable with, and even then, it's very situational, and the situations within which I feel like I can open up are rare. I do have one friend with whom I share a closer relationship, one that if I felt I really needed someone to talk to, he's who I'd call. I think every man needs at least one man like that in their life, maybe two or even three. But I also feel that one shouldn't be looking for many, because I feel that in order to develop that kind of camaraderie, it requires a lot of time invested into the relationship, and you just can't achieve that with many more than two or three. And even on here, where there's a measure of anonymity... it just feels odd to open up, wrong even, though necessary it can be.
I dunno, just my personal feelings on the matter.