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Old Aug 20, 2020, 02:38 PM
Soupe du jour Soupe du jour is offline
Member Since: Jun 2015
Location: Czechia
Posts: 5,164
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Do you have any pdocs where you are going, Soupe?

Good luck w the legal issues.
Hi bpcyclist. My current psychiatrist said he would continue to give me video sessions until I have some form of residency established.

We are still not 100% sure exactly where we will rent a flat/house in Czech Republic. It depends on if my husband gets work from his friend (then it would likely be near Brno) or not (then it would be in or somewhere outside of Prague). Once we know, we can look for psychiatrists. Obviously, unlike my native Czech speaking husband (who also sees a psychiatrist), I will need a doctor that speaks English. I don't see that much of a difficulty with that. If/when we move to France, the same thing will apply, though I believe both my husband and I will get our French up to snuff quicker than I would be able to get my Czech up to snuff.

Last edited by Soupe du jour; Aug 20, 2020 at 03:03 PM.
Hugs from:
bpcyclist, Nammu, Wander
Thanks for this!