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Old Aug 27, 2020, 08:14 AM
Soupe du jour Soupe du jour is offline
Member Since: Jun 2015
Location: Czechia
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Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
Feel like I got nothing to say or contribute. But I gotta say I’m grateful for today. I wasn’t looking forward to driving mum to her wound appointment in another town. Not anxiety or dreading it just not looking forward to it cause I don’t like driving plus the freeway there is down to one lane. Then there’s a detoured road in that town that suddenly runs out and your no where near the road you you detoured from.

But it was a good day. I was behind a semi but he was going 60 which was the posted speed limit for the construction so that was fine. Then when I started the detour there was a smart van in front of me so I was able to follow him to the hospital and didn’t get lost! We arrived about 15 minutes early and there was a parking spot right in front so mum didn’t have to walk far. There was no one ahead of us so they took mum in right away and we were out quickly. We got an A plus on the wound care and they didn’t need to do more.

On the way home it was smooth sailing and supper was easy and filling. Thankfully the AC works and the infrastructure is intact cause it was very hot and humid out. Thank the goddess too for a trustworthy Air conditioned car. All in all a better day than I hoped for.

I’m struggling a bit with lows. Had a dream I was in and old run down high security hospital and my depression was so profound I melted into the ground. It was so real and the darkness so deep. It’s still hard to shake days later.
I'm glad your drive was less stressful than expected. It's hard to get smooth easy drives in my area. It was at its best at the height of the covid-19 in my state.

Hoping your mood starts to lift soon. Regarding bad dreams, this may sound silly but sometimes I imagine in my head shutting the door on them or "thowing them down a mountain" to stop their negative effects.
Hugs from:
Anonymous41462, bpcyclist, Nammu
Thanks for this!
bpcyclist, Nammu