Me and My Grandma Were Initially Diagnosed w/ Pneumonia. Then Diagnosed w/ Covid19. My Mom, Stepdad and 9 Year old Niece Also Diagnosed w/ Covid19. Me, My Mom and Grandma Are Very Symptomatic. Used My Epipen Yesterday and had to go back to a local hospital. Covid19 is not fake or a hoax.
I’ve been sleeping a lot, taking my vitamins and supplements. Plus eating a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and drinking herbal teas. And spraying all the rooms w/ Lysol, cleaning doorknobs and light switches etc.
I was not sure about the Pneumonia Diagnosis. My Grandma was Positive it was wrong. My First Symptoms, My Asthma Was Continuously Flaring Up. Then Fever, Chills, Diarrhea and Vomiting etc. The three of us with symptoms all have asthma and other autoimmune diseases. Plus I also have two rare diseases.