Massive anxiety! Amjay is correct that is affecting people who don’t even live in the USA. This election will have a tremendous impact on the world…IMO. The tactics playing out are designed to divide us in the USA and it is working, again, IMO.
My recent ex- therapist was politically provoking me in March throughout this Spring also. I realized what he was up to, so I was very careful. I thought this was a huge indicator of his true colors coming through. If I uttered a sentence or thought that he objected to, he ripped into me, and I was stunned. I made sure I veered away from politics in session. However, he was bent and insistent many times to stay on that subject. This became very disturbing to me because it was extremely unprofessional and I was paying for it! That is not why I was in therapy. Long story short, unknowingly, he revealed parts of himself to me that where very personal. One night he called me and started yelling at me about the opinions and beliefs he told me I had! I was shocked and tried to diffuse things, but realized this is really a bad sign. He could not control himself and kept instigating ‘trouble’. I saw a part of him he could no longer hide and this was the tipping point that ended a very long relationship that I discovered was completely fake. I do wish everyone peace and calm in the coming months, especially tomorrow.