I can relate to... some of my friends don't like each other. I don't necessarily find this to be much of an issue. Maybe they can still be friendly to you and like and respect you, hopefully this is the case. (If not... it seems rather too much like high school for my tastes
As for anyone judging you as having ''no life'' - I'm guessing they probably are not very happy themselves (for example maybe they are very insecure) to make this sort of judgment.
Your boss sounds like he is a nice person, with his heart in the right place. I do not think you're obliged to share about your personal life at work. Maybe talk about a film you enjoyed, a meal you cooked, a hobby you enjoy (?)
I think that humans as a species are inherently flawed and judgmental. Obviously, it's also a survival instinct
I have been ''defriended'' by a few people who did not like the fact I ... ?? I have no idea tbh. I think I have found a way to be less bothered by other peoples negative garbage than I used to be. (a couple of those had been ''good friends''... or so I thought
I have not found ''neighbours'' in real life to be good friends for a long time. Our last place had very unfriendly neighbours. I guess they probably found me avoidant and ''unfriendly''... They were very judgmental.
We moved away and our new place is much better for bears