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Default Nov 19, 2020 at 03:34 AM
Lost hope in finding someone to understand and crawl with me. Yes, I feel kinda babyish but everything around me is harrowing to despair and I can not accept hopelessness when there is so much to live for. I never thought I’d one day say “Remember when... (before Covid-19), you could share a space with someone without the fear of loosing your character (or your lunch). You could hold the door for someone without the worry of how to sanitize your hands afterward, you could embrace touch without the fear of what you will do or touch next, you could sit quietly knowing that was your break from the busy world around you. And you could be asked a personal question and let someone be genuinely interested in the answer. Remember (before Covid-19), when community, humanity and compassion mattered.”
Hugs from:
3rd rock, Anonymous445852, Breaking Dawn, Deilla
Thanks for this!
Breaking Dawn