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Have Hope
Wise Elder
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Default Dec 15, 2020 at 07:35 AM
I wrote this in my journal but I want to drop it here too as a reminder for myself:

Be glad that -

1. You no longer have to hear his baby talk - that grew OLD
2. You don't have to stroke his ego constantly - good job, great job honey, well done, you rock
3. You don't have to run downstairs to get HIS laundry for him in the morning
4. You don't have to hear him say (in his annoying BABY VOICE) first thing after you've woken up "I want muffins! Can we go back to muffins as soon as I get home?"
5. That you are no longer being physically RESTRAINED in bed - not allowed to get up from bed WHEN YOU WANT TO
6. That you don't have to appease HIM every morning by staying in bed cuddling because HE needs you to for "five" or "ten more minutes"
7. That you do not have to wait for him all the time: to finish his video game, smoke a bowl, to decide on a restaurant, to smoke a cigarette before and after walking into stores, to find his keys, his wallet or his phone, to run back into the house because he forgot something - you were constantly being made to wait ON HIM.
8. That you no longer have to say "oh.. poor baby" for any physical ailment he has that day
9. That you no longer have to give him money or your credit card to COVER HIM because he cannot budget
10. That you no longer have to deal with his belittling, mean, cutting so called "jokes" made at your expense
11. That you no longer are being told that you are doing something the WRONG WAY. Your way of doing things IS PERFECTLY FINE.
12. That you CAN go ROLLER BLADING, SKIIING, HIKING, SAILING, WALKING, BIKING, KAYAKING…. All the activities that he held you back from being able to do and enjoy
13. That you CAN go to the beach as much as you want and like - he didn't like the beach
14. That you CAN eat healthy foods again - and choose your diet. LOSE the extra weight that you've put on since being with him
15. That you have NOT had eating disorder symptoms SINCE HE LEFT
16. That you no longer have to QUESTION yourself or DOUBT yourself OR him because you now know that your gut was CORRECT all along - he is NOT trustworthy!!!!!
17. That you no longer have to clean up after him, or remind him to clean up, or remind him to do his laundry
18. Him saying repeatedly that he looks like ODONAS! How egotistical and narcissistic can he be?

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes
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