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Default Jan 14, 2021 at 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rincewind View Post
I feel you, my two best friends are like that. Both are married/have kids but when we gather together for a glass of beer, they often start talking about girls that are all devouring them with their eyes and how they'd like to **** them. If only they weren't married! It's not exactly bragging, more like wishful thinking as they both love their spouses. But it still pisses me off because the only time a girl looked lovingly at me was when her boyfriend was standing directly behind me (but hey, at least I'm at least somewhat competent at picking social cues from random people). And also because I hate any kind of macho posturing.
I've been on both side of the aisle and I can assure you that I've been excited with women's attention only when I barely had any. Things have evolved. I shaped up and I pay a great deal of attention to my appearance and so they notice now, so to speak. Though I would never ever brag about it like a f... teenager.
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