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Attention Feb 02, 2021 at 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by stahrgeyzer View Post
I'm really curious what game that is. That must be nice to have something from childhood that brings happy memories. I'm trying to remember something like that in childhood but nothing comes to mind. I didn't have stuffed animals either but love them now. ...I had a puppy as a child!

it's a talking geography quiz.

it comes with a globe that you can fit on a tabletop, and also an electronic board that asks you questions related to the countries. it arived this afternoon and I had a few games of it

baught back nice memories but also some nasty ones of abuse because it was round the same time I had that game I was abused quite badly by family.

but it's sweet. my geography isn't perfect so it helps me learn about the world.

I want more nistaljic toys too. issue is, they've either stopped being made or are very expensive
Hugs from:
Anonymous41462, Breaking Dawn, Fuzzybear, stahrgeyzer, Taylor27
Thanks for this!